Did Barak Obama receive the Nobel Peace Prize because he deserved it or for political reasons? I certainly don't know and I don't care. He was honored with it. Why dump on him? He didn't ask for it.
Even if it was for political purposes, what's so bad about that? EVERYTHING in the public sphere is done for political purposes. Politics doesn't have to be a dirty word. One thing that the President has done during his short time in office is to change the way much of the world looks at the United States. That's no small accomplishment. What's wrong with us that so much of the world affirms the President while so many of our fellow citizens hold him in such disregard?
The old saying by Scottish poet Robert Burns comes to mind: "O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us to see oursels as others see us. In "American English" that would read: "O would some Power give us the gift to see ourselves as others see us!"
I pray that "The Power" would give our nation such a gift.