The Huffington Post (December 8, 2010) reports that "Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and her colleagues on the Congressional Prayer Caucus penned a letter to President Obama Monday, attacking him for his alleged failure to the use the word "God" and "Creator" more in his public speeches, especially abroad." Just when I thought I've heard it all! YIKES! Has Representative Bachman ever read Matthew 7:21 in which Jesus says, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven." The President's politics fall far short of the Kingdom of God, as do the politics of Republicans, and ALL human politics. His heart, however, and his compassion toward "the least of these" are pointed in the right direction. I'll take his "doings" over the words of noisy religionists any day.
Ever since the President took office, people have faulted him and told lies about him no matter what he said or did. Even a liberal like Arianna Huffington says that the deal struck with Republicans about whether or not to extend the Bush tax cuts as "complete capitulation." It seems to me it's more about governing in the real world -- a world where the agenda of the political opposition is only that of "defeating Obama in the 2012 election." What other option did the President have -- raise taxes on the Middle Class, sacrifice any chance of extending benefits for the unemployed, or DADT or passing the START treaty? What would you do under the circumstances?