Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mother's Day, May 9 - Bamberg

Our trip was not without its education moments. This morning we had an interesting lecture by a university prof of history on German reunification, including a review of events that let up to Germany's partition. Then there is a German tradition (or so we're told) that after church, the women would go home to prepare dinner and the men would go to the pub for a beer and sausage. SO since we couldn't go to church, we had beer and bratwurst at 10:30 this morning -- first, and probably the last time, we'll have such food at that hour. The tradition is called "fruehschoppen".

Bamberg is a pretty town of about 70,000, located at the beginning of the "Main-Danube Canal." It has so many historical buildings that it was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Sight in 1983. It is also known for having nine breweries in town and 81 others in the surrounding region that produce over 20 different types of beers -- including a smokey flavored bear with an aftertaste of bacon. Even though we had a free coupon, Lucy and I did not try! The best part of the day -- the sun came out and I had to take off my jacket because I was getting hot. Another pretty city and another big cathedral. As one of our Canadian shipmates puts it -- is's the ABC tour -- Another Bloody Cathedral!

Note in the picture an interesting way that these river boats sometimes dock -- two, and sometimes three, abreast. At one point we had to go through two other ships to get to land. The rivers have more of our kind of river boats than we could count as well as other commercial traffic.

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