The cover story on this week's edition of Newsweek suggests that the only politicians who gain attention and response from the people are those who show anger. There is no shortage of politicians who show anger these days. The President is criticized from all directions for not expressing anger. Apparently careful, reflective thought is not in vogue. What has our nation come to? The Bible says that if we are angry, we should not sin and we should not let the sun go down on our anger (Ephesians 4:26), but the anger expressed in today's politics never ends at the end of the day. You hear the same thing from the same people day after day.
Yes, Jesus did show anger on occasion (driving the money changers out of the temple, for example), but it was not his primary emotion. If he were running for office today, he no doubt would not be elected. He just wasn't angry enough! He would, however, have more than 100% chance of being crucified.
How absolutely true! Its something that I'm noticing not only in politics but also in general society. The sad thing is that its affecting the young generations most of all. Working with high school kids, I'm bound to see a bit of drama, but the trend that I've been noticing lately is one of short temperedness, and lack of self control. The boys soccer team at my school is a prime example. There have been several games that I've watched, and each one I think can't possibly get worse in behavior than the one before, and I'm proven wrong every time. The latest game, there was in essence a brawl on the field. If the fight wasn't bad enough, the reaction of the fans/parents was what really got me... They actually cheered for the kids, encouraging them in the behavior. I just can't make sense of it... this is the world that we're bringing our kids up in??